Submitting manuscripts

Manuscripts can be submitted at The selection process is carried out in several stages, which are coordinated by the editorial board and for which external expertise is solicited. For each thematic issue, a call for papers is widely distributed through the usual academic channels. The editorial board then calls on external experts for the selection of proposals and evaluation of articles.

In submitting a manuscript for review, authors agree to the Journal's Publishing Terms and Conditions (see below). Manuscripts should be no more than 35,000 characters, including notes and spaces, and in accordance with MLA or CMS Formatting and Style Guide (or respectively the German or Italian language style sheet).

Submitting book reviews

We accept book reviews that cover scholarly works from art history, history of photography, media and cinema, among others. Edited volumes may be included provided that they constitute an original contribution to their field. Translated monographs may be reviewed if they represent innovative research for French-speaking academia. Reviews of exhibitions are not accepted; artists' books or exhibition catalogs may be considered if they offer an original approach to a given body of archival material.

Association Transbordeur
14, Rue de Vermont
CH-1202 Genève
Éditions Macula
45 rue des Trois Bornes
FR - 75011 Paris

Annual peer-reviewed journal